Orthopedic Traumatologist in Tijuana

Shoulder surgery in Tijuana


Calle 4ta (Díaz Miron) #7201
Entre Calles G y H
Zona Centro, Tijuana, BC CP 22000

+52 33 1686 5184

Monday to Friday 08:00 AM to 20:30 PM

Saturday 08:00 AM to 14:30 PM

Book an appointment

We are specialists

I use the word "we are" instead of talking only about "my" work, because the fact that it entails giving you the highest quality of care you deserve

Specialized Treatment

The Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service deals with the pathology of the locomotor system in all its aspects, muscular, bone or joint, its acute, chronic or recurrent injuries.

All for you

We cover all areas of this specialty, preventive and therapeutic, both medical and surgical, and rehabilitation.


We treat all kinds of emergencies always with the specialized attention you deserve